Photography by Tim

A Selection of Images

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Or if you have a group that would like some training.



Below is a list of things covered in the courses, I provide access to a working version of Word Press for all students.

All students will be able to create a practice site over the duration of the couse.

Login to WordPress Admin. The WordPress admin is where you edit your Website Learn about the WordPress admin

Installation and Set up the basics. Time Format, Google Friendly URLs, Privacy, User Profile, Search Engine Visibility

Pages. Add Generic Pages – Home, About, Contact, Blog, Services Add Text – we will add dummy text to our pages, unless you have your own. This only applies to people setting up on their own hosting/domain. * Text must be already typed in a Word Document

Overview of page options. Discuss the most useful features inside a page and how to use them e.g. text editor

Create a Navigation Menu. You need this so the user can navigate around your website. Place pages in order How to add Pages and Subpages Add links to others Websites

Styling and Managing Content. How to Format a Google Friendly Page with Text and Images How to add Headings, Bullet Points, Video, Links and more..

Images/Media Library. How to add images to a page How to edit images in WordPress How to make Google Friendly Images

Blog What is a Blog, why do we need one? Blog overview How to write Blog Posts Write your First Blog post (bring one page of text that you have written about a relevant topic for your website) Discuss Comments (people commenting on you posts)

Overview of WordPress Themes. Discuss WP themes and how to install them, delete and change them Discuss Mobile Friendly and Google safe themes Discuss responsive themes – mobile friendly themes

Home Page. Discuss *unique to each theme

YouTube Video. How to add a YouTube video Why YouTube videos are important

Google Map. How to add a Google Map to the footer and contact page

Widgets. What are they?How to add, remove, delete Add some Popular Widgets to the Footer and Sidebar

Plugins. What are they? Add the most Popular Plugins for a Professional Website for e.g. Social Media, Contact Form, Testimonials, Security, Backup and Anti-Spam